What kind of habits are you leaving and creating in 2021?


The Snooze Button >>>
I really shouldn't be setting 12 different alarms spaced 5 minutes apart just to be able to get up in the morning. I'm also pretty sure my husband will divorce me if I keep doing it. Not only am I annoying him, but I'm also hurting myself by snoozing. Did you know that the first time you wake up in the morning is usually when you're most alert? That means if you snooze even if it's only for 10 minutes you won't get back to real quality sleep in that amount of time, so you'll end up waking up more tired. 

Letting Others Dictate How I Feel
I fell back into a habit that I thought I had a good handle on, but unfortunately it crept back into me during last year. There isn't anything worse realizing that you let something that somebody said ruin your day or night or even important moment. Why do we let dumb things that people say get to us? I don't really like to stay quiet or keep opinions to myself because I usually end up letting it bug me that I didn't say anything. No more, I'm ready to practice putting myself out there more!

Taking The Easy Way Out
I'll make up so many excuses for every day choice and take the path of least resistance. Meh, I'll skip out on washing my face or even brushing my teeth tonight and do it tomorrow. Meh, I'll start this big project tomorrow when I have more energy. Okay, maybe in 2 days... maybe next week. I'm sure this is a conversation that may even sound familiar to you, so I'm ready to make some changes.


Stop Putting Things Off...
I want to start practicing doing the hardest thing first thing in the morning to get it out of the way for the day. Procrastination is something I'm sure a lot of people deal with. I either need to find my routine to create some consistency in my life and to also find certain things that motivate me. Maybe it's listening to a particular podcast or speech that can jump start my day.

Absorbing and Learning As Much As Possible
Sometimes I miss the days of being a student; going to class and learning about something I'm interested in. The truth is thought that learning doesn't have to stop! I want to generate habits to read current events everyday and always have a book or two on hand at all times.

Cleaning As I Go
One thing that could really help house chores seem not as daunting is to clean as I go while I'm in the kitchen, bathroom or even in my bedroom. If I have a big day ahead, there's nothing better than waking up to a clean house rather than cleaning it and having it guzzle up 2 or 3 hours in my day. If I can make a habit of picking up the house at the end of the day, I think it'll help make my mornings more productive. 


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