What gets you excited about life?

Waking up naturally on a Saturday morning and cooking a warm delicious breakfast for my husband and myself. I'll brew a cup of coffee and we'll eat breakfast in bed watching a movie.

Slow afternoons going thrift shopping and spending an hour or two thumbing through old records and finding new music to add to our collection

Early morning hikes in the mountains. Breathing in fresh mountain air, surrounded by gorgeous pine trees with blankets or wild flowers. The best is having a waterfall at the end of the trail and feeling the cold rushing water numb your fingers and hands.

Staying up late with your friends and talking about anything and everything philosophical, political or personal.

Star gazing up in the mountains with no other light, sounds or sign of people in turn making you feel completely alone, free and infinite. 

Cooking or baking something from scratch

Swimming in a freshwater lake nearing sunset so you can watch the sky slowly light on fire.

The fresh feeling of your skin and face after a bath or shower and putting on clean soft clothes.

The creative spills that come out of your mind and you can't write them down fast enough.

Finishing a book that ignites your soul and it feels like you're saying goodbye to an old friend.

Writing or receiving letters from friends and family.

Hugging, kissing and touching the person you love.

The moment you embrace someone you haven't seen in months or years and you can't seem to smile big enough and your heart immediately fills with joy.

The anticipation of taking off in an airplane that makes your stomach somersault as you lift off into the air. Watching the clouds cover the city and daydreaming about where you are headed and where you've been. 

It's small moments like these that make me look forward to life. 


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