What are some of your small victories and successes that you are proud of?

I haven't killed any house plants lately
It seems almost like a rite of passage to all new plant parents that their first few house plants will probably wilt and die... but, I am proud to announce that I have a monstera and pathos plant that I have not only kept alive but propagated into more plants! It's taken a few tries and a lot of consulting my green thumb friends who are better at keeping things alive than me, but I think I've finally got the hang of it!

I went gluten free for over 30 days
Last year I wanted to experiment and try the gluten free diet and test out the intriguing results that supposedly came from it. I actually wrote about it fully in an alternate post but I was pleasantly surprised with the results! It's a hard thing to start doing, especially when pastries and sandwiches are my favorite things to eat, but it proved to me that I do have self control and discipline. Once I got past maybe the first week of urges and cravings, it made it a lot easier.

My softball team took 2nd place in our league!
The odds were against us because we were last in the bracket. It was a makeshift team that my husband and I pieced together, but we managed to make a comeback and beat out all the other teams! We had a rough start to our season, but we pulled through in the end. It was such a satisfying feeling! It taught me that even if there's a slim chance, it's still a chance. 

Reading a book from cover to cover
I used to read multiple books a week as a kid, and I have rekindled my love for reading over the past few months. I don't know about you, but I get a little overly ambitious sometimes and decide to start 3 different books at the same time which usually results in forgetting the plotline of one book so much that I have to go back and start from the beginning. If I can commit to one, read it diligently and finish it then I consider that a win!

I've learned that it's important to appreciate small victories like this. If I attacked every single day with the idea that I was going to get my entire to do list done that day on top of finishing our laundry while making a healthy, delicious dinner from scratch... then I'd burn myself out. I've learned it's okay to start small, pick 3 things to do in a day and that's it. It's a good start for me so I don't end up over stressing and over criticizing myself. Maybe one day I'll get there, but for now I feel good with the small successes of daily life and just taking things one day at a time.


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