List 50 Things You Are Grateful For...

  1. My husband

  2. My parents

  3. My sisters

  4. My nieces and nephews

  5. My dogs, Howie and Kyla

  6. ALL of my friends

  7. My office space

  8. Books (too many to list!)

  9. Sweet smelling candles

  10. Coffee & hot chocolate

  11. Ice cream & macarons

  12. My record player

  13. My collection of records

  14. Bath bombs & bubbles

  15. Fresh notebooks and inky black pens

  16. The journals I’ve kept since I was 8 years old

  17. The scrapbooks my mother made since I was born.

  18. Memory boxes and yearbooks

  19. My jeep! I love my jeep

  20. My hiking boots

  21. Yoga pants and sweatshirts

  22. Beanies

  23. Sexy lipstick

  24. My tarot cards

  25. My camera

  26. My laptop

  27. My phone

  28. Zoom & Facetime to connect with my people

  29. My house plants

  30. My roomba

  31. Our beautiful house

  32. Our neighborhood

  33. Living 5 minutes away from a lake

  34. Sunsets

  35. Sunrises

  36. Moonsets

  37. Moonrises

  38. Hosting parties

  39. Making memories

  40. Cooking dinner for friends & family

  41. Cuddling and watching movies

  42. Going out to movies

  43. Bowling & Pool games

  44. Dancing at clubs!

  45. Going to baseball games

  46. Flying in airplanes

  47. Exploring new places

  48. Encountering kind & genuine people

  49. The ocean

  50. The mountains.


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