How different are you currently from who you were 10 years ago?


10 years ago, I was a Senior in High School. I was so incredibly excited to be done with high school and I could hardly wait for graduation. High school definitely had a lot of ups for me as far as friendships I made and what I was involved with after school, but I had such bad social anxiety that I tried harder getting through high school rather than trying to enjoy it. Others could pick up on how awkward, quiet and weird I was and I got made fun of for some of my mannerisms. 

It was only after I received my diploma, was when I really started to ask myself the big questions. Not only the question of where I wanted to go to college, what should my major be or what did I plan on doing with the rest of my life, but the bigger, deeper questions. Who am I? What kind of person do I want to be? What do I want to be known for? I began challenging myself, trying to think outside the box or even put myself in uncomfortable situations just so I could learn. I was so excited to meet new people and start a new life in ways that I chopped off my long red hair and dyed it for the first ever once I reached my freshman year of College. I wanted to literally feel like a brand new person with a completely clean slate.

I can guarantee a lot of people from my high school would probably see me now and consider informing me how much I've changed, but in all reality I have always been loud, talkative and opinionated; I was only too afraid to share that in high school. I've always been that way and it's okay that it took a few years to figure that out. I still believe that I have a lot of growing up to do still. I don't think anyone really reaches an "end" as far as growing goes, it just continues on day after day. I get to choose every day how I show up in my life and all I can do is go from there.


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