What's your dream job?

Ever since I learned the correct way to hold a pencil, I always gravitated towards writing and journalism. I've kept a journal of my life since I was 8 years old and I've always loved the peace, safety and clarity that writing down my inner thoughts, concerns and dreams give mes. My notebooks present me to feel relief from everyday problems. Usually when I write down first impressions or my initial perspective, it allows me to come full circle and actually see where I'm off in my findings.

I would love to be a full time writer or journalist, seeking out stories, information, knowledge and experience. That is what appeals to me so greatly. I have always had the desire to write my own book as well. The power that a single book or even series can have on somebody is incredible. I love finding books that move me in such a way that I openly cry, burst out a laugh or even throw the book against the wall because it made me so angry. The fact that words and a stack of bound together paper could move me like that, I was amazed at how much influence books could have.

In a growing society of technology and social media, it's hard to look any different from someone who has their own personal platform where they may rant or continually share political views, highlight reels or may get a bit too preachy more often than asked for. I'll admit, I've done that as well plenty of times. I think for me, I'm focusing more on trying to be my most authentic self and fine tuning my own voice. I want my writing to sound like you and I are having a normal conversation. My friends consider my role in our friend group as the "Culture committee" or "Comic Relief" and I take any opportunity to crack a joke or make someone laugh, but surprisingly I rarely do that in my writing. 

So, whatever may happen with my writing career, I hope that I continue to be as open, honest, vulnerable and as authentically myself as I can be. I think that's why I plan on doing daily journal prompts every other month on this blog for the next little while because it gives me a chance to write out whatever is in my head and help me make sense of myself! I'm pretty open and hopeful to whatever this creative outlet could get me but for now, it's just me and a cup of coffee every morning writing things out. 


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