100 Goal Ideas for 2020
I know the concept of setting new goals is very appealing and exciting for someone like me, but it can also be seen as boring and monotonous for others. However you may see it, I am someone who enjoys the structure that yearly goals give me! Creating new year resolutions gives me a sense of direction and also helps me stay focused on what's important to me or what I'm working towards.
If you're thinking about making some new resolutions for the new decade, I've compiled a running list of goals I've found in the world wide sea of internet information. One thing I do enjoy doing are 30 day challenges as well! You could turn pretty much any one of these resolutions into weekly or 30 day challenges if you wanted to! I believe there is always something that we as humans can improve on and goal setting is a great way to start.
- Try a new sport
- Start a new hobby
- Take a dance, spin or yoga class
- Create your own workout routine (Gym membership? At home workouts? Etc...)
- Less/No more processed foods
- Less/No more processed sugar
- Less fast food/eating out (start restricting to weekends only)
- Learn to cook/bake new dishes
- Invite friends over once a week for dinner
- Try meal prep + take lunches to work/school (saves money!)
- Drink more water
- Quit smoking
- Quit alcohol
- Quit energy drinks & soda
- Do a juice cleanse
- Become vegetarian or vegan
- Get lasik surgery
- Get your teeth whitened
- Change your hair color
- Change your hair style
- Declutter your wardrobe + donate old items
- Redefine your style
- Get a complete makeover
- Get a massage/acupuncture
- Complete a DN kit and learn about your ancestors & health
- Become a morning person/no more snooze button/wake up early
- Track your medications, vitamins and/or supplements
- Set up a budget
- Pay off your debts
- Save X amount of money
- Get a new job
- Start a 401k retirement plan
- Move out of your parent's house
- Move into a new apartment
- Buy A Home
- Buy A Car
- Start a blog
- Go to a psychic for a tarot/palm reading
- Go to College
- Graduate College
- Get all A's for one semester
- Keep a memory box for the year
- Create something and sell it at a farmer's market or etsy
- 10 minutes of mediation per day (or more)
- 10 minutes of journaling per day (or more)
- 10 minutes of reading per day (or more)
- Stay up to date with current events
- Become more politically involved in your community
- 12 Books in 1 year (1 book per month)
- Buy an audible subscription for a year
- Listen to more podcasts
- Start your own podcast
- Commit to weekly "You"time
- Create your own mantra or mission statement
- Call your family relatives once a week
- Marry the person that you love
- Have a baby and start a family
- Host a family reunion
- Reconnect with friends from high school
- Meet someone famous
- Meet the President
- Visit your childhood home
- Buy/Adopt a pet
- Watch less TV
- Commit to a weekly "Date Night" with your significant other
- Commit/Create a morning/evening routine
- Commit/Create a weekly cleaning routine
- Learn a new language
- Learn a musical instrument
- Try out for a local play/musical
- Enter a contest
- Sew something you can wear
- Make soap
- Take a photography class
- Practice calligraphy
- Try growing a garden or herb garden
- Become a plant mom
- Start a collection
- Organize your important documents
- Read a religious text you're curious about
- Conquer a fear you have
- Be more open to new opportunities
- Go sky diving
- Go snorkeling
- Go surfing
- Go to a festival you've always wanted to go to
- Go the opera or a broadway play
- Learn how to scuba dive
- Paint a mural
- Go to a professional game (NHL, MLB, NFL, etc...)
- Be a game show contest
- Be an extra in a movie or commercial
- Street perform in Vegas
- Ride a mechanical bull
- Write and publish a book
- Travel somewhere you've never been before
- Travel somewhere with a group of friends
- Travel by yourself
- 365 Project (Take 1 picture every day for a year)
- Volunteer as much as you possibly can
What goals do YOU want to make this year?
Thanks for Reading!
Love, Nick
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